+27 11 488 1888     info@statucor.co.za  |  CSD No: MAAA0095697

Company registrations

Company Registrations

Statucor can assist with the formation of a company. We will consult and guide you on the type of company that will typically suit the objectives of the company.

There are five types of companies that you can register.

  • Private Company – any business whose purpose is to make a profit however wishes to restrict the transferability of the shares
  • Public Company – usually used when a company intends to list on the stock exchange or to offer shares to the public
  • Non-Profit Company – churches, charity organisations
  • Incorporated Company – association of professionals such as lawyers, doctors, civil engineers etc, may be registered as a personal liability company.
  • External branch – A foreign or external company is a company incorporated outside of South Africa, irrespective of whether it is a profit or non-profit company or
    carrying on business in South Africa.

In terms of the Companies Act, 2008, a company may be registered with or without a company name. When a company is registered without a reserved name, its registration number automatically becomes the company name. This is the quickest way to register a company.

Once a company is registered in South Africa the following annual compliance matters need to be adhered to:
Please contact us for assistance with your Company Registrations/Company Formation


More than just compliance.

Directors Disclosures & Interests in Contracts

Every director has a statutory fiduciary duty to prevent a conflict of interest and to ensure objectivity in all decision-making processes. Thus it is imperative that all financial interests held by a director, which might negatively affect shareholders, should be formally disclosed to ensure that all directors are aware of possible conflict situations that may arise. We take care of these formalities to ensure that all matters remain above board.

What is Company Secretarial Services?

What is Company Secretarial Services?

Apart from the annual compliance there are also other important matters which need to be implemented. Shares and share certificates must be issued to the shareholders. Minute books need to be opened and regular resolutions and minutes need to be taken when the Directors make corporate decisions. During the lifespan of the company there might be instances where new Directors are appointed, or the company wishes to transfer shares to new shareholders. Statucor have the necessary expertise as well as state of the art IT infrastructure to perform the above services. We partner with our clients, who range from Multinational Companies, Private Companies, to small owner managed companies, and provide them with a seamless service.

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